Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy Busy Bee

So I guess I need to confess that I have not stood by my commitment with blogging very well.... considering the fact that it's been 3 weeks since my last entry! Ooooops! I have had time, if you haven't noticed already, to give my blog a little face lift. I'm diggin the new background I think. At least for right now! It's amazing how much time you can devote to choosing a background and designing a header. Holy Moly I could have done that for days. There are so many designs and ideas to choose from out there in cyberspace! All I have to say is there are some seriously creative people....and many are bloggers. I definitely have to give a little shout out to "" for allowing me to make my blog so cute! They have super fun backgrounds you can upload for free. Who doesn't love that!?! I still need to do some accessorizing, but that will have to come another day. A day that is filled with many hours of free-time! Although, based on my track record, it will be the day that I decide to do the whole thing all over again from top to bottom. Oh well!

Anyways, today is Friday!! WOOHOO! It has been an extreeeeeemely long, hard, strenuous and at the same time enlightening week that needed to end. It feels good to know that I don't have to think about work for 48 hours! My brain and heart need a break:D I am looking forward to hanging out with my parents this weekend in "the Port", and hopefuly relaxing. No plans have been made yet, but thats almost what I need.... an unplanned, carefree, no obligation striken weekend! Halelujia! I do have to get my hair done or fixed for that matter. What ever I did a month ago to the top of my head was a gynormous mistake! Needless to say, I refuse to be in any pictures with this "color" dye I have going on. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon I will regain a little self-confidence. We shall see.

Well I just looked down at my little computer clock and noticed the weekend has begun :D :D :D It's 5 o'clock baby :D Until next time... and promise it wont be another month!