Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A little bit of this and that.

So lately I have been completely oblivious to the world around me..... apparently I was a week early with what I thought was my hair appointment. Ooops! This is now the second time in a row that this has happened. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to get my mini makeover... AHHH! Sometimes I wonder what goes through, or better yet, doesn't go through my head. I have officially decided that I need to carry around a pocket calendar! There are too many dates that I need to remember for this upcoming year, and based on my recent track record, I should definitely be required to have some sort of easily accessible calendar book.

Anyways, today is another cold, snowy day mixed with freezing rain and ice. You gotta love winter in PA! It's days like today that I just want to snuggle up in a big blanket and watch a movie and eat some kettle corn. mmmmmm :D I guess that will have to wait until the weekend! I have plenty more freezing cold days this winter to do that. What I should be doing is attempting to be productive at work...... yeah, No! I've been here for an hour and a half and already I am looking for non-work related things to occupy my time. Hence my blogging! Don't get me wrong, I would like to think of myself as a hard worker.... just not every hour of the work day! If there was a thing as ADD of office work, I would definitely be diagnosed.

Enough about work..... so I have been wanting to talk about my new workout regimen that I started and actually really, really like. I went ahead and bought 2 DVDs by Tracy Anderson, who is the trainer for Gwenyth Paltrow and Madonna. Usually I don't mention Madonna's name when I am talking about the workouts since no girl wants to look like a she-man... But anyway, she takes a completely different approach to working out your muscles. It is ballet mixed with aerobics mixed with re-vamped traditional exercises. There is a mat dvd and a cardio dance dvd. Each one is so unique and fun that I actually enjoy doing them! Another plus is the music she chose is relaxing and has the perfect beat for each workout. It is not a typical workout dvd where the instructor constantly talks and encourages you each step of the way, she just does the moves and you follow. It is exactly what I needed! They are both as challenging as you make them..... especially the dance cardio. Learning dance combinations and moves can be difficult, but it is the best cardio session I've had in a while. Hopefully in a few weeks I will get the long, lean, dancer toned body she promises. Regardless, it is just a really fun way to work out. I will keep you posted on my progress...... maybe I should reconsider keeping the bag of Laffy Taffy's in my office drawer. hmmmm.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Me.. I hope!

Well today I am finally going in to get my hair done. I think I was itching to get it done almost 4 weeks ago.... so I am super pumped to have my mini makeover. The problem is, I once again have no idea what color or colors I should choose. I usually try to take risks when I go to the hairdressers, which is why my hair has been every color of the rainbow. Platinum blonde, red, brown, black, and yes purple. Unfortunately when I look back at photos of myself during these colorful hair stages, I immediately ask myself "What in the world was I thinking!?!". So since graduating college I have been pretty consistent with my color choices as I have stuck to the ever original medium brown. Well now I am sick and tired of this boring consistency and I am ready for something new and fresh. I was thinking warm-golden brown...... HAH! Doesn't sound like much of a change, but what I envision sure does. Now my only problem is figuring out how I am going to take that picture I have created in my head and put it into words. So what one place with all the answers did I turn to????? GOOGLE of course! After about 15 minutes of searching, I came across this picture of Jessica Simpson that I think is a good example of what I am wanting. Now if only I had big white teeth and huge boobs...... wait, I'm getting off topic, that's for another time:D Anyways, I will bring this in to my hairdresser and hopefully she will work her magic and I will leave a very happy client. I will make sure to post a before and after...if it turns out that is! If all else fails and this appointment turns out to be a disaster, I am booking a trip to New York so I can finally fufill my dream of getting pampered and made over by a stylist of the stars. Let's just hope this works out and I can save myself much needed money. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a while.

Well an entire season has passed since I've blogged my thoughts, feelings, and uneventful events! I'm not sure why I let my little online diary get away from me. But now I'm back and ready to get typing!

So it's officially the coldest day of this season so far.... I took one step outside and my whole body went numb! I'm pretty sure the temperature read minus freezing degrees. It's days like today that make me want to move way down south where the peeps are cruising around in their comfortably warm weather. Spring could not come any sooner in my book. Since moving is not in my near future whatsoever, I guess I will just have to suck it up and wear lots of layers and drink lots of tea:)

Anyways, I wish I could fill the big empty blog gap I created, but unfortunately not much has happened in my world. I did start a new job, which was a giant step in the right direction on my life path. It's been quite the whirlwind of emotions.... exciting, interesting, frustrating, confusing... but all in all it was probably one of the best decisions I have made in the last couple years. It has given me a sense of Independence and accomplishment; two feelings everyone in the adult world should try to obtain.
2009 has also arrived! It is so crazy to think that 2 years have already come and gone since I graduated college. The older you get, the quicker time definitely flies. It gets me thinking about making a bigger effort in truly cherishing every moment I experience. It's so easy to get caught up in daily activities (aka work) and not really enjoy life to the fullest. I think my New Years resolution--no I have not made one yet---should be that I open my eyes to all the amazing things I get to experience and do throughout the week. I know it is much easier said than done, but I'm going to make a promise to myself to be aware of how blessed I really am.
Until next time!