Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A little bit of this and that.

So lately I have been completely oblivious to the world around me..... apparently I was a week early with what I thought was my hair appointment. Ooops! This is now the second time in a row that this has happened. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to get my mini makeover... AHHH! Sometimes I wonder what goes through, or better yet, doesn't go through my head. I have officially decided that I need to carry around a pocket calendar! There are too many dates that I need to remember for this upcoming year, and based on my recent track record, I should definitely be required to have some sort of easily accessible calendar book.

Anyways, today is another cold, snowy day mixed with freezing rain and ice. You gotta love winter in PA! It's days like today that I just want to snuggle up in a big blanket and watch a movie and eat some kettle corn. mmmmmm :D I guess that will have to wait until the weekend! I have plenty more freezing cold days this winter to do that. What I should be doing is attempting to be productive at work...... yeah, No! I've been here for an hour and a half and already I am looking for non-work related things to occupy my time. Hence my blogging! Don't get me wrong, I would like to think of myself as a hard worker.... just not every hour of the work day! If there was a thing as ADD of office work, I would definitely be diagnosed.

Enough about work..... so I have been wanting to talk about my new workout regimen that I started and actually really, really like. I went ahead and bought 2 DVDs by Tracy Anderson, who is the trainer for Gwenyth Paltrow and Madonna. Usually I don't mention Madonna's name when I am talking about the workouts since no girl wants to look like a she-man... But anyway, she takes a completely different approach to working out your muscles. It is ballet mixed with aerobics mixed with re-vamped traditional exercises. There is a mat dvd and a cardio dance dvd. Each one is so unique and fun that I actually enjoy doing them! Another plus is the music she chose is relaxing and has the perfect beat for each workout. It is not a typical workout dvd where the instructor constantly talks and encourages you each step of the way, she just does the moves and you follow. It is exactly what I needed! They are both as challenging as you make them..... especially the dance cardio. Learning dance combinations and moves can be difficult, but it is the best cardio session I've had in a while. Hopefully in a few weeks I will get the long, lean, dancer toned body she promises. Regardless, it is just a really fun way to work out. I will keep you posted on my progress...... maybe I should reconsider keeping the bag of Laffy Taffy's in my office drawer. hmmmm.

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