Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Unsolved Mystery Solved

It all started a little while back......Cooper's fear began with hats, which turned into men, which now turned into everyone. For some reason my sweet little Coopadoop is absolutey terrified of new people and when they come around, he will not stop barking. Its this awful trait that he picked up somewhere along the way and I can't seem to break it! My little precious is not showing others his good side whatsoever, and frankly it's driving me nuts. So, the other day I decided to start Googling how to teach a dog not to be so stinkin scared of strangers. ( yes these keywords exactly.) After some deep reading on tips, obedience rules, and the do's and don'ts of dog training, I feel somewhat more confident that I might be able to break this god awful habit of his. Unfortunately, all the sites stated that it was probably one of the toughest habits to break..... wonderful :) I'm still going to give it my all and I have full determination to rid him of this obnoxiousness. If anyone has connection with the Dog Whisperer....wink wink, please let me know!

Anyways, I decided to continue my "dog issues" searching and try to find a cure for my other dog, Sabre. The last couple years have been quite a tough road for her. She got ran over by a car, had a rare blood disorder, and gained an obsene amount of weight. I have been so confused by her health since I really monitor everything she eats. Poor thing doesn't even get treats :( If any of your are familiar with Golden Retrievers, you probably know that they are one of the most loving breeds but they tend to come with a huge price tag, since they are prone to having an endless amount of health issues. Sabre has probably had everything at least once! So after a few clicks on the web, I came across this disease that is really common in this breed, hypothyroidism. Every symptom was her to a "T". After a trip to the vets and a T-4 blood test, Sabre was indeed diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. I officially should be given a new title, perhaps MD, after this miraculous diagnosis I made on my little (BIG) golden retriever. Doc says that in 30 days, she should be like a new dog! I am so so so excited and relieved that she will get her life back. Summertime walks are in the future! So if anyone out there is wondering why your dog is the way he or she is...... just start googling and do your homework. I'm sure thankful I did! Hopefully that will be the last of the dog illness/disobedience blogging for a while! I'll keep you posted on Coop's progress.... but it might be a while :D

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