Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday's Moments

Well last night was another dramatic, emotional, shocking episode of the unrealistic fairytale -Bachelor. The girls and the charming Jason got to travel to the amazing New Zealand for their fantasy dates! Needless to say all 3 accepted the invitation into the fantasy suite....hmmm I wonder what goes on in there! Of course every date, or adventure really, was absolutely breathtaking and so over the top. Eventhough it seemed to be cold and rainy the whole time they were all out there, I don't think there was room for complaining. I mean how could you!?! Who doesn't want to fly across the world to one of the most beautiful locations and sip on champagne, jump off a bridge, take a helicopter ride, and sit around in hot baths staring out onto the land and then follow it up with an incredible dinner (I'm sure) and night in a "fantasy suite" with more hot baths..... umm not me! Okay I am obviously kidding :) Well Mr. Jason seemed to take full advantage off all 3 dates and his 1-on-1 time with the girls...hence the constant makeout sessions and heart to hearts. Seriously Jillian went on and on forever... I wanted to reach into the screen and just say "Give it up! We get it, you like him, or love him, or whatever!" Needless to say, she was sent home without a rose :( Although she was never my fav, I think it was the ear aching accent of hers, I was really shocked that he sent her home. Then again, that show ALWAYS has the apparent blossoming relationships come to a sudden hault.....those sneaky film editors! But, no joke, they seemed to have the most mature, non-fantasy induced relationship. Oh well. At least my fav is still around. Go Melissa! I guess I will have to wait 2 more weeks to see if she takes the gold.... or platinum I would guess. Oh the drama :D

So on to a completely different topic. Yesterday I took another 10 steps backward with Coopadoops obedience, or rather disobedience. He officially made another neighbor not like us, due to his daily-uninvited visits to their house to "play" with their new puppies. It's not my fault he falls in to a trans where he wont listen to anyone around him when he steps off our yard! He actually said that Coop was "too big" for his little dogs to be playing with. WHAT!?! My precious little man that is only a mere 28lbs (but in my eyes about 10), and not too mention, the cutest puppy ever! Whatever..... I was nice, apologized and have officially decided that I now have to take Coop outside on a leash, ever single time. Damn nation! Maybe he'll learn.... oh who am I kidding, no he wont. I think we are just going to have to re-locate to solve this dilemma. Preferrably to a place with lots of land and zero neighbors.

Okay, enough babbling... it's time to get back to work. Coffee's cold and must re-heat!!

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