Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Filler

Once again, I'm sitting here at my desk finding pretty much anything to fill my time that has officially stood still. So what better to do than a Facebook quiz. I randomly get these from people, but have yet to fill one out. I'm not sure why I haven't until now, considering I have many gaps of nothingness throughout my day! Well I gave it a go! Enjoy getting to know me and my man a little better.

About Me and My Honey

♥ What are your middle names? Marie and David- god does that sound like an old couple
♥ How long have you been together? 5 years in July---holy moly!! Time flies when you’re having fun!
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? About a year.
♥ Who asked who out? It just happened I guess.
♥ How old are each of you? 24 and the big 30!
♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? He sees his sister every day at work but we hang out with mine more.
♥ Do you have any children together? nope
♥ What about pets? We have the 2 cutest dogs, Coop and Sabre
♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? Not so much.
♥ Who is the smartest? Me without a doubt! I kid I kid… he is smarter with current events and mechanical thing, I’m smarter in everything else :D
♥ Who is the most sensitive? We are both very sensitive in our own ways. I don’t show it as much as he does. This might be a tie. Depends on the day for me.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? Subway for lunch…. For dinner it would probably be Francos. We love eating out!
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? St. Lucia-and I’m ready to go back!
♥ Who has the worst temper? Ooooo another toughy. Him!
♥ Who does the cooking? We both do. He’s great that way :D
♥ Who is more social? He was at one point but I think it just depends on the night I guess. I wish I was more so though.
♥ Who is the neat Freak? Me by a mile. I am the most anal clean freak out there… thanks to my mom. Chad is one of the most disorganized people I know.. I refer to him as a “piler”. He leaves everything in piles all over the house.
♥ Who is the more stubborn? I guess I can be more stubborn. It depends on the time of month for him… ha!
♥ Who hogs the bed? Oh my god he does. For some reason he likes to sleep right smack dab in the middle. If Coop is in bed though, he pretty much has it all!
♥ Who wakes up earlier? I do. I love to have a full day!
♥ Where was your first date? I’m embarrassed to say….. Trout Run. I think that was it. Geez what kind of fiancĂ© am I!?!
♥ Who has the bigger family? Me as far as immediate family goes.
♥ Do you get flowers often? On special holidays. I think I did get flowers just because not too long ago.
♥ Who is more jealous? He is he is he is!
♥ How long did it take to get serious? It happened pretty quickly…we swept each other our feet :D
♥ Who eats more? I used to…. I have an obsession with food. But lately, I think he takes the cake on that one.
♥ Who does the laundry? Typically me… but on rare occasions he will do a load or two.
♥ Who’s better with the computer? I would have to say I am. I am just quick at figuring things out.
♥ Who drives when you are together? He does.

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