Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Relieving My Stresses.....hummmm!

So for the past couple weeks, I have been severely stressed out and super duper pessimistic. I'm not sure why this is happening, but it has seriously taken over my days! Every morning I have consistently told myself to make it a good day, remain positive and brush off the bad stuff that may come my way. Unfortunately, I haven't been too good and sticking to my words, in fact I have been terrible. (See, there I go again!) Anyways, I have decided to take my negativity by the reins and start moving it in a more happy direction. So, I thought I would share the list of activities and changes I will be doing to make myself that cheerful, satisfied positive girl that I hope to be.

1. I have continued to stay dedicated to my workout regimen, which is supposed to help relieve stress. This is definitely a temporary relief though.

2. Starting today, I am going to eat right for more than 4 days at a time. For me, this means I am going to have to eliminate all the yummy chocolatey sweets I have throughout the house and attempt to be satisfied with the meals I eat. I read that blood oranges are great for fulfilling that sweet tooth, so I am definitely adding those to my grocery list! Along with many other healthy items :D

3. A couple days ago I ordered a new bible and bible study that should help me re-establish my faith and strengthen my relationship with God. This in itself will guide me to a better path in life. I look forward to having a time of reflection and allowing myself to see the world in a new light!

4. I am making a list of my stresses and worries that keep me from having a smile on my face. SELF magazine says this helps you to stop fretting over them! So here goes:

My worries:
- getting debt free
- always feeling that I didn't choose the right career path
- accepting my new life in Williamsport
- dealing with Cooper's constant barking and running away!
- never being able to get the house finished
- affording all the spring wedding festivities that are to come
- finding a circle of friends
- keeping the house clean and put together

Whew! I already feel better. I guess my list isn't as long as I thought it would be..... that's one good thing :D Well I hope with my new POA, I will get my life back on a happy track and my stresses will slowly fade away. I will definitely track my success along the way :)

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