Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Me.. I hope!

Well today I am finally going in to get my hair done. I think I was itching to get it done almost 4 weeks ago.... so I am super pumped to have my mini makeover. The problem is, I once again have no idea what color or colors I should choose. I usually try to take risks when I go to the hairdressers, which is why my hair has been every color of the rainbow. Platinum blonde, red, brown, black, and yes purple. Unfortunately when I look back at photos of myself during these colorful hair stages, I immediately ask myself "What in the world was I thinking!?!". So since graduating college I have been pretty consistent with my color choices as I have stuck to the ever original medium brown. Well now I am sick and tired of this boring consistency and I am ready for something new and fresh. I was thinking warm-golden brown...... HAH! Doesn't sound like much of a change, but what I envision sure does. Now my only problem is figuring out how I am going to take that picture I have created in my head and put it into words. So what one place with all the answers did I turn to????? GOOGLE of course! After about 15 minutes of searching, I came across this picture of Jessica Simpson that I think is a good example of what I am wanting. Now if only I had big white teeth and huge boobs...... wait, I'm getting off topic, that's for another time:D Anyways, I will bring this in to my hairdresser and hopefully she will work her magic and I will leave a very happy client. I will make sure to post a before and after...if it turns out that is! If all else fails and this appointment turns out to be a disaster, I am booking a trip to New York so I can finally fufill my dream of getting pampered and made over by a stylist of the stars. Let's just hope this works out and I can save myself much needed money. Wish me luck!

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