Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day

Happy Hump Day! I can't believe we are already crusin' into the middle of the week! Whew :)

I had a wonderful weekend with the fam, celebrating my sister's b-day and mine. Everyone came up to visit, cockapoos and all, and there were of course many laughs and lot of stories! All our little babies (aka dogs) were able to re-kindle their friendship and run and play till they dropped! It's definitely a comedy show.

It was such a blast to have the whole Schrei clan together just hanging out.... It definitley doesn't happen to often now that we are all growing up, but when it does, we all immediately slip back into where we left off. This weekend was just another testiment to how blessed I am to have such an incredible, loving family. We truly are each other's world and I am thankful for the bond we all share.

We were able to get an update family pic-compliments of Calli :D

So, I'm super excited for the season finale of American Idol.... I have been quite the devoted viewer and haven't missed an episode. The contestants are seriously incredible and the wide range of talent has made this season so much fun to watch. I say that with a little hesitation since I am not a fan of one of the final contestants. I wont drop his name, but when he sings it is equivalent to nails on a chalkboard! I know that is a little harsh but honestly I can NOT bare to hear the sounds that come out of this guy's mouth! I do in fact L*O*V*E, love, love, love Kris Allen. He is absolutely adorable and his voice is Amazing!!! I will definitely be running to the nearest Tar-Get to get his first cd. I'm sure you still can't figure out who I don't like, can you!?!

Well to night we shall see who the winner is! Either way, they will both be on the radio very, very soon. I can't wait:D

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