Thursday, May 14, 2009

May Birthday Mania

Is it me or do you feel like the month of May should win an award for the having the most birthdays!?! Every year that passes I run into more and more people with a May birthday. Just in my fam there are 3! Myself included....(The Big 2-5 this year baby!). Okay, 3 isn't that many but when there are only 5 of us! Regardless, I feel like our parents generation decided that May was the perfect time to have babies.

This weekend my sister turns 27, which still seems impossible. She is 3 away from 30!!! It just doesn't make sense. And me turning 25.....5 away from 30! Where did all the years go? I'm still trying to accept the fact that the college chapter in my book of life has already come to an end. There are still many days I wish I could step back into time and spend a day in the life of my old life. A day where I wake up at noon, maybe pop a little easy-mac in the mic, watch a little Trading Spaces, think about my class that starts at 2:30 and try to figure out what my night life will consist of. Oh to be so young again! Sigh :D And to think that I truly believed life was stressful then.... two words: REAL-WORLD! I quickly learned fast that I was way wrong.

Getting back to May birthdays... I still need to figure out something special to give my sister. Presents are always a challenge! The older I get the more I seem to put more thought into the gift. Why can't I just run to the store, buy a cute top for her and call it a day!?! She would love it I'm sure. In the back of my mind I just know that I won't be excited during the whole "giving" process. I want her to know that I did put my heart into it and I wanted to give her something special. Tonight I should really set aside some time to figure this one out, especially since her big day is in T-2 days. Ooooooops! What can I say, I'm a busy busy lady. Once I figure her gift out I should just move right on to Big Daddy Joe, who will be turning

(drum roll please *************)

The big 5-3!!! :0 Woah. He is still very young at heart though. :D I hope that makes up for my shear shock-excitement-disbelief I get when I say that number. I'm sure that gift will most like entail a trip to Lowes..... he's a man that loves anything tools. Typical!
Well-I must come to an end on this lovely posting. I will be sure to update you on the gifts that I decide on. Until next time.

(On a side note- I just have to add that this is the 2nd day in a row that I blogged... Woohoo to me!!!)

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