Friday, May 1, 2009

One Word - - - Ashamed!

Okay, I guess it's time to confess that I have yet again let my blogging fall by the wayside in my not-so crazy life. After reading my previous blog (to get me up to speed with where I left off), I realized I had made a tiny little promise about not going so long before writing another post. Well......... OOOOOOOOOOPS! I did it! I am now like 2 months overdue! I'm ashamed and now stating that this will never happen again. Serious time obviously flies by way too fast!
To be honest, I'm not really sure why I let my newly re-designed blog be so neglected. I LOVE to write about all the nothings of my life and post them into cyberspace. So since it has been an eternity since I have blogged, I should probably do a recap of my life since March! Just as a warning, I know I will probably leave out many memories since I can barely remember what I ate for dinner last night!
-First and Foremost I should definitely scream from the rooftops that my hair is back to normal. What ever was I thinking to attempt to be blonde/red/strawberry!?!? IT*WAS*HORRIBLE! I pray I never do that to myself again.

-I have finally finished decorating my sunroom!!!! Yes... I have become very domesticated since graduating college: cooking, LOTS of cleaing, and of course home decorating. Although I love to "decorate" (hanging pictures, setting out knick knacks and re-arranging furniture), I absolutely 100% completely do NOT like to paint-faux paint-stain-sand, etc, etc, etc. BUT since I can't afford to hire Nate Burkus OR seem to get on HGTV, I am stuck doing it myself. I'm embarassed to say that room was a complete disaster for 2 months. Luckily Calli's bridal shower forced me to get it done. With help from her and about 4 giant tubs of joint compound, I was able to get it done just in time. I decided to do more than just a slap a solid color on the walls and attempt to texture the walls, paint and then add glaze. Well, this 3 GIANT step process took a little longer then expected. It could of been the fact that I had absolutely no motivation or sense of urgency to get it done and completely procrastinated every swipe of the brush. BUT Calli and I finally finished the room and I have to say it looks FABULOUS! Now all I need is that wine buffet from Pottery Barn..... only in my dreams! I will post a pic so you can see the final result!

-As I just mentioned, I had been getting the house in order for Calli's Bridal Shower or Calli's Martini Bridal Shower that I hosted this past weekend. It was a total success! Of course I have to say that I could have never pulled it off if it weren't for my mom, Seth's mom and his amazing sister. I can't believe the work and planning that goes into it! I don't think it could have turned out any better. The house was decorated beautifully, the food was delicious, the polkadot cake was absolutely adorable, the martinis were a total hit and most importantly the people that meant a lot to Calli were able to make it out to celebrate. We made it an all day event and it went into the evening with a little karaoke!!! YES, we rented a profesh karaoke machine. The girls were all glued to the tv, mics in hand singing everything from Lion King to Carrie Underwood to Lauren Hill. I-LOVED-IT! I highly recommend renting one at any event.
See all the fun pics below!

Tell me these are not the cutest favors ever! Little purses with high-heeled shoes around them. It's even a nail file! What girl wouldn't want that!

-I also was able to get back down South to step on the soil that I love! K*E*N*T*U*C*K*Y It was Calli and Seth's couples shower and it just happened to be a Keeneland weekend as well. Doesn't get much better than that! Although I didn't get to see friends, it was absolutely amazing to be back in Kentucky and be around the people that make me happy. We had many laughs, took way too many pictures and enjoyed every single second! One of these days I will be back there! I am on a mission.

I know there is so much more that I am missing but my brain and fingers are spent! I will be sure to add my forgotten memories in the days to come.....hopefully they fill up my HUGE blog gap and make up for my broken promise ;)

So it's time to come to an end on this 60 days overdue blog and mention just one more time that I will be back to blogging tomorrow. Hopefully I will get back into the bloggin groove quickly!

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