Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Relieving My Stresses.....hummmm!

So for the past couple weeks, I have been severely stressed out and super duper pessimistic. I'm not sure why this is happening, but it has seriously taken over my days! Every morning I have consistently told myself to make it a good day, remain positive and brush off the bad stuff that may come my way. Unfortunately, I haven't been too good and sticking to my words, in fact I have been terrible. (See, there I go again!) Anyways, I have decided to take my negativity by the reins and start moving it in a more happy direction. So, I thought I would share the list of activities and changes I will be doing to make myself that cheerful, satisfied positive girl that I hope to be.

1. I have continued to stay dedicated to my workout regimen, which is supposed to help relieve stress. This is definitely a temporary relief though.

2. Starting today, I am going to eat right for more than 4 days at a time. For me, this means I am going to have to eliminate all the yummy chocolatey sweets I have throughout the house and attempt to be satisfied with the meals I eat. I read that blood oranges are great for fulfilling that sweet tooth, so I am definitely adding those to my grocery list! Along with many other healthy items :D

3. A couple days ago I ordered a new bible and bible study that should help me re-establish my faith and strengthen my relationship with God. This in itself will guide me to a better path in life. I look forward to having a time of reflection and allowing myself to see the world in a new light!

4. I am making a list of my stresses and worries that keep me from having a smile on my face. SELF magazine says this helps you to stop fretting over them! So here goes:

My worries:
- getting debt free
- always feeling that I didn't choose the right career path
- accepting my new life in Williamsport
- dealing with Cooper's constant barking and running away!
- never being able to get the house finished
- affording all the spring wedding festivities that are to come
- finding a circle of friends
- keeping the house clean and put together

Whew! I already feel better. I guess my list isn't as long as I thought it would be..... that's one good thing :D Well I hope with my new POA, I will get my life back on a happy track and my stresses will slowly fade away. I will definitely track my success along the way :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Filler

Once again, I'm sitting here at my desk finding pretty much anything to fill my time that has officially stood still. So what better to do than a Facebook quiz. I randomly get these from people, but have yet to fill one out. I'm not sure why I haven't until now, considering I have many gaps of nothingness throughout my day! Well I gave it a go! Enjoy getting to know me and my man a little better.

About Me and My Honey

♥ What are your middle names? Marie and David- god does that sound like an old couple
♥ How long have you been together? 5 years in July---holy moly!! Time flies when you’re having fun!
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? About a year.
♥ Who asked who out? It just happened I guess.
♥ How old are each of you? 24 and the big 30!
♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? He sees his sister every day at work but we hang out with mine more.
♥ Do you have any children together? nope
♥ What about pets? We have the 2 cutest dogs, Coop and Sabre
♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? Not so much.
♥ Who is the smartest? Me without a doubt! I kid I kid… he is smarter with current events and mechanical thing, I’m smarter in everything else :D
♥ Who is the most sensitive? We are both very sensitive in our own ways. I don’t show it as much as he does. This might be a tie. Depends on the day for me.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? Subway for lunch…. For dinner it would probably be Francos. We love eating out!
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? St. Lucia-and I’m ready to go back!
♥ Who has the worst temper? Ooooo another toughy. Him!
♥ Who does the cooking? We both do. He’s great that way :D
♥ Who is more social? He was at one point but I think it just depends on the night I guess. I wish I was more so though.
♥ Who is the neat Freak? Me by a mile. I am the most anal clean freak out there… thanks to my mom. Chad is one of the most disorganized people I know.. I refer to him as a “piler”. He leaves everything in piles all over the house.
♥ Who is the more stubborn? I guess I can be more stubborn. It depends on the time of month for him… ha!
♥ Who hogs the bed? Oh my god he does. For some reason he likes to sleep right smack dab in the middle. If Coop is in bed though, he pretty much has it all!
♥ Who wakes up earlier? I do. I love to have a full day!
♥ Where was your first date? I’m embarrassed to say….. Trout Run. I think that was it. Geez what kind of fiancĂ© am I!?!
♥ Who has the bigger family? Me as far as immediate family goes.
♥ Do you get flowers often? On special holidays. I think I did get flowers just because not too long ago.
♥ Who is more jealous? He is he is he is!
♥ How long did it take to get serious? It happened pretty quickly…we swept each other our feet :D
♥ Who eats more? I used to…. I have an obsession with food. But lately, I think he takes the cake on that one.
♥ Who does the laundry? Typically me… but on rare occasions he will do a load or two.
♥ Who’s better with the computer? I would have to say I am. I am just quick at figuring things out.
♥ Who drives when you are together? He does.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday's Moments

Well last night was another dramatic, emotional, shocking episode of the unrealistic fairytale -Bachelor. The girls and the charming Jason got to travel to the amazing New Zealand for their fantasy dates! Needless to say all 3 accepted the invitation into the fantasy suite....hmmm I wonder what goes on in there! Of course every date, or adventure really, was absolutely breathtaking and so over the top. Eventhough it seemed to be cold and rainy the whole time they were all out there, I don't think there was room for complaining. I mean how could you!?! Who doesn't want to fly across the world to one of the most beautiful locations and sip on champagne, jump off a bridge, take a helicopter ride, and sit around in hot baths staring out onto the land and then follow it up with an incredible dinner (I'm sure) and night in a "fantasy suite" with more hot baths..... umm not me! Okay I am obviously kidding :) Well Mr. Jason seemed to take full advantage off all 3 dates and his 1-on-1 time with the girls...hence the constant makeout sessions and heart to hearts. Seriously Jillian went on and on forever... I wanted to reach into the screen and just say "Give it up! We get it, you like him, or love him, or whatever!" Needless to say, she was sent home without a rose :( Although she was never my fav, I think it was the ear aching accent of hers, I was really shocked that he sent her home. Then again, that show ALWAYS has the apparent blossoming relationships come to a sudden hault.....those sneaky film editors! But, no joke, they seemed to have the most mature, non-fantasy induced relationship. Oh well. At least my fav is still around. Go Melissa! I guess I will have to wait 2 more weeks to see if she takes the gold.... or platinum I would guess. Oh the drama :D

So on to a completely different topic. Yesterday I took another 10 steps backward with Coopadoops obedience, or rather disobedience. He officially made another neighbor not like us, due to his daily-uninvited visits to their house to "play" with their new puppies. It's not my fault he falls in to a trans where he wont listen to anyone around him when he steps off our yard! He actually said that Coop was "too big" for his little dogs to be playing with. WHAT!?! My precious little man that is only a mere 28lbs (but in my eyes about 10), and not too mention, the cutest puppy ever! Whatever..... I was nice, apologized and have officially decided that I now have to take Coop outside on a leash, ever single time. Damn nation! Maybe he'll learn.... oh who am I kidding, no he wont. I think we are just going to have to re-locate to solve this dilemma. Preferrably to a place with lots of land and zero neighbors.

Okay, enough babbling... it's time to get back to work. Coffee's cold and must re-heat!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Another week has come and almost gone! I'm getting anxious and very excited for this weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's such a sweet, relaxing and pressure-free holiday that recognizes all the True Love that exists in the world. Although, many refer to it as a "Hallmark" holiday, I see it different! What girl doesn't love to get a bouquet of beautiful flowers and yummy chocolates.... preferrably Godiva chocolate covered strawberries.

I have so many amazing memories of my past V-Days with Chaddy. Skiing in the Poconos, relaxing in Jamaica, and being swept away to a room lined with candles and overflowing with rose petals. I don't think you can get much better than that! My fiance has always been quite the charmer and never fails to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I love him so much for that :)

So, I wish everyone a Happy Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy a day filled with lots of love!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Unsolved Mystery Solved

It all started a little while back......Cooper's fear began with hats, which turned into men, which now turned into everyone. For some reason my sweet little Coopadoop is absolutey terrified of new people and when they come around, he will not stop barking. Its this awful trait that he picked up somewhere along the way and I can't seem to break it! My little precious is not showing others his good side whatsoever, and frankly it's driving me nuts. So, the other day I decided to start Googling how to teach a dog not to be so stinkin scared of strangers. ( yes these keywords exactly.) After some deep reading on tips, obedience rules, and the do's and don'ts of dog training, I feel somewhat more confident that I might be able to break this god awful habit of his. Unfortunately, all the sites stated that it was probably one of the toughest habits to break..... wonderful :) I'm still going to give it my all and I have full determination to rid him of this obnoxiousness. If anyone has connection with the Dog Whisperer....wink wink, please let me know!

Anyways, I decided to continue my "dog issues" searching and try to find a cure for my other dog, Sabre. The last couple years have been quite a tough road for her. She got ran over by a car, had a rare blood disorder, and gained an obsene amount of weight. I have been so confused by her health since I really monitor everything she eats. Poor thing doesn't even get treats :( If any of your are familiar with Golden Retrievers, you probably know that they are one of the most loving breeds but they tend to come with a huge price tag, since they are prone to having an endless amount of health issues. Sabre has probably had everything at least once! So after a few clicks on the web, I came across this disease that is really common in this breed, hypothyroidism. Every symptom was her to a "T". After a trip to the vets and a T-4 blood test, Sabre was indeed diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. I officially should be given a new title, perhaps MD, after this miraculous diagnosis I made on my little (BIG) golden retriever. Doc says that in 30 days, she should be like a new dog! I am so so so excited and relieved that she will get her life back. Summertime walks are in the future! So if anyone out there is wondering why your dog is the way he or she is...... just start googling and do your homework. I'm sure thankful I did! Hopefully that will be the last of the dog illness/disobedience blogging for a while! I'll keep you posted on Coop's progress.... but it might be a while :D