Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Everything Turns Turns Turns"

Fall has arrived! Actually, it officially came September 22 at 10:44 AM, (thanks Wiki Answers.com.) Leaves are changing colors and I officially wake up to darkness and a cold breeze...... Surprisingly, I am actually excited about it, and not just because of all the cute clothes and boots out this season. It feels good to bundle up in blankets and sip on some yummy soup! For a while there, I really thought I would go into a mode of depression when summer ended because for some reason I feel like it has basically disappeared from being one of our 4 seasons and winter has replaced it. Global warming my ass! Anyways, another plus to Fall is the fact that for one day, we are given the permission to dress-up like anyone or anything we want, and why do we get to do this... HALLOWEEN of course! Although I am way passed my trick-or-treating years, I am not passed costumes. What other time in your adult world do you get the opportunity to dress up as a naughty nurse, box of crayons, Teenage-Mutin Ninja Turtle, or the ever original pumpkin!?! There is nothing like a good Halloween party with a bunch of punch-drunk characters. Now although I don't return home at the end of the night with a pillowcase of sugar daddy's, bit-o-honey, Resee's, candy corn and popcorn balls, I do get a roll of film with hysterical pictures of old people all dressed to the nine's. At the rate time is passing, I better start my search for the ultimate costume......... oh wait! I might want to find a party to go to first, hmmmmm.

Friday, September 26, 2008

21st Century Entertainment

Well, last night began the start of another season of all new shows! Grey's Anatomy had their 2 hour season premier that was filled with blood, tears, hot boys, drama and of course the added "Soap-operaness".... that definitely came from the icicle stabbing the always angry Yang. I was pleasantly surprised with the story line, but two hours was a little much for me. I'm thinking that ABC wanted to give fans their Grey's fix since it won't be on for another two weeks. boo:(. I don't think I can handle these mini vacations the shows take so frequently. Now that the weather is cooling off and the fact that it now gets dark at 7:30, I expect to have some quality tv time. Slackers!

Anyways, I'm super pumped to lay low this rainy day and watch the Sex and the City movie. Probably my all-time fav at this point. There is nothing better than laughing till you cry..... and thanks to SJP, I do just that;D So, for all of you that haven't had the opportunity to watch this masterpiece, I highly highly recommend running to the nearest Target and purchasing it and a bag of Orville Redenbacher. Veg out on the couch and get ready to be entertained:D

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wedding Bells are Ringing

Last weekend I went to the wonderful state of Iowa and watched my cousin say "I Do". It was a chance to have a mini family reunion that was long overdue and an opportunity to celebrate the start of a new chapter. It was so great to see all of my cousins, aunts and uncles; some whom I haven't seen in almost 10 years. WOW! Needless to say we have all changed dramatically, but somehow after five minutes of talking the years that had past suddenly disappeared. There is something to be said about the bond a family always holds, whether you know it or not. I have to admit, I am incredibly lucky to have such an amazing family with some of the funniest and most intelligent cousins ever. Yes I am 100% biased, but damn we rock!
So, not only did I get my 10 year catch up on family laughs and cries, but I also got see my adorable cousin marry the girl of his dreams. They are such a beautiful couple and for the time that I spent with them, I can honestly say that they better each other and are meant to be. Another fairy tale:D So congrats to the happy couple!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So I've had this extreme obsession with Oreos over the last week. I'm not sure if it's because they are staring me in the face every time I open the pantry or if it's because they are so mouth watering delicious with a glass a milk right after dinner. I'm thinking it's the latter. It's quite pathetic how I savor every morsel of each Oreo that I shove in my mouth...like I'm never going to have the opportunity to eat these amazing creations again. Although I do try to be healthy, even when I do indulge in a little desert (hence my Hungry Girl obsession), it is oh so good to eat what sets the cookie standards. Who doesn't love to eat the truly good bad stuff!?! Although these were part of Chad's 30th b-day present from my mom (another avid sweet toother), I'm the one stuck here eating them...ALL. I guess I might as well finish them off so I don't have to go through this battle tomorrow...... Such a trooper I am :D Sweet dreams.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


"Time goooooes by, so slooooowly." The famous lyrics sung by so many from the movie Ghost... Classic. Although this song has been completely played to death, it still holds much life and meaning to me. Why is it that one day I don't know where the time has gone and on other days, I sit here and can actually here the second-hand ticking away in my head. It's not like I don't have a heaping pile of things to do falling before my face.... so why is it that somehow a brick wall gets built between myself and the world of productivity??? It's like my brain is having a never ending yawn :O. For the most part I get in my 8 hours of shut eye, so I can't be having this energy crisis because I'm tired. It's pretty ironic that when I want the world to stand still, everything is over in what seems like a blink of an eye, and when I want time to fly, the batteries go dead in my clock. This typically occurs on Friday afternoons at work, while I sit behind my desk, as I stare at the computer screen.............

Throughout these Patrick Swayze moments, I am usually reflecting on all that I have experienced and completed in my 24 years, and have a set-in of momentary depression when I realize I am not only beyond the best 4 year of one's life (aka college), but I am past the simplicity of childhood when your only worries were figuring out who would be on your team in "Kick the Can." These are the same moments when I say "OMG Time FLIES!!!) (yes, I used omg). So what I should be doing is cherishing these "pauses" in life and thinking about all the memories I will be making in my years ahead. I'm sure one day I will be longing for a time when I can sit and only hear the tick-tock of the second-hand on the clock.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Count Down Begins

What is it about Thursdays? Growing up I always woke up on Thursday mornings as usual, went to school and started my daily tasks. It wasn't until I had to write the date on the top of my paper when I would realize...."IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY!!!" From that moment on, I was usually grinning from ear to ear, setting all my worries and stresses aside because I knew the weekend was near and sleepover nights began in 1 day.

Then, as I entered college, Thursdays became "Thirsty Thursdays." These were the days that all us collegiates would get dolled up and enjoy a night on the town. After a couple cocktails, the work load that had piled up from classes over the week would suddenly be lifted off our aching shoulders. That is until Friday morning arrived.... But, until that time would come, my only concern was livin' up the night and figuring out if I should order cheese sticks late night or stick to the usual Tostitos ans Salsa.

Now, here I sit behind a desk, in the real world :(, looking at my To Do list that continues to grow by the hour, and all I can think about is the fact that it's Thursday. It is truly instant gratification when I realize this magnificent day of the week. My mind immediately fills with ideas of what I should do over the weekend. Should I be productive, should I lay out, should I go shopping, should I be productive..... oh decisions decisions! Now although, I don't have the luxury of rolling out of bed tomorrow and moping into class, or for those lucky ones have no class, I continue to get that excitement that I always got when I knew Thirsty Thursday would begin in only hours. As a more mature adult (wink, wink), I typically can no longer "hang" like I did back in those day. Unless I can fit in all that throw down by 10PM, which is usually not possible. So I have resided in the fact that I will remain estatic, go home tonight, enjoy my Thursday night TV and go to bed with a smile streaming across my face knowing that I will be able to wake up saying those magical letters...T-G-I-F.

So to all my fellow real-worlders, enjoy this glorious Thursday and the many Thursday's that lie ahead... maybe even make a special cocktail tonight for old times sake. A little vino sounds good to me :D. Tomorrow is the start of another fabulous, always too short weekend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Little Bit of Me

About Me....I have never ever known what to write when I come across this. Do I include my astrology sign and interests, or do I stick to my relationship status and occupation? Honestly, someone needs to come out with a guide explaining what to include in these bothersome sections. How am I ever supposed to fit the descriptions of all the nuts and bolts that make me, me.

Here is a short and sweet version......

I'll start off by saying that I am a middle child that endured middle child syndrome throughout my entire life--Why me? I have an older sister, Calli, my bff, which I could have never lived through life without. It is truly a love-hate relationship that is completely the BEST. I also have a younger, very adorable, now 20 year old brother, Ben, that I envy as he starts his junior year in college. He is everyone's favorite guy and always makes you smile..... I cherish him entirely:D My mom and dad are truly my angels, role models, confidants and are honestly the best parents in the entire world, and I'm not just saying that cause they're mine. I miss them every day we don't get to spend together and count down the days until I see them next. I love them with all my heart and feel like the luckiest child to have them as mine. I honestly wish every kid could have a family as amazing as The Schrei's (that's us). To sum it up, my family basically rocks!!!!!

Anyways, I recently, as in 1yr and 1/2 ago, got engaged to Chad, the man with the best smile ever! He is my best friend and I love him inside and out. We started planning our wedding, stopped planning, started again and then stopped again, over the last 12 months. Right now, we are just two people in love, hard at work trying to make our relationship the best it can be, living life making unforgettable memories. The wedding will come with time.... Why stress about it now :D Along with getting engaged, I also graduated from the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!), which is probably the best college ever. There, I spent the best 4 1/2 years a girl could ever dream of. I made some amazing friends, laughed till I cried, cried till I laughed, and of course got very educated....

So that brings us to today. I now live in Williamsport, PA, the smallest town in my world that ever existed. I am learning how to deal with the fact that not every place in America has every store at your fingertips, or restaurant. Let's just say, online shopping is a new hobby of mine. As a girl that has always lived outside a major city, (Chicago, Louisville, Lexington, and Philadelphia) this has been extremely difficult to transition into. It's been 2 years and I'm still adjusting. But, on the bright side, I have learned that you can pretty much find anything you could ever need at Wegmans, TJ Max and Lowes.

I am currently in search of a future career that will fill all my voids, if this is possible. Should I teach, should I not teach, should I teach, should I not teach? Will someone just give me an answer!! if you have suggesstions please don't hesitate to share :D

I must, must, MUST add that I do wake up every morning to the cutest, fluffiest, most adorable cockapoo named Cooper. He is my pride and joy and I am completely obsessed. How I lived so long without him, I'm not sure. There will be much more blogging about that gift from heaven.
Well that's enought about me. There will be more to come, I'm sure.

Thought Explosion

Well today I decided to try something new, out of my ordinary, and something that would hopefully keep my happy fuel tank on full. So what better way than to join in on this 21st century blogging explosion. Although I have never been a strong writer, in fact previous English classes have brought many a tear to my eyes, I have always been full of stories, useless information, thoughts, ideas and gossip that I can never seem to get out of my head. I figured, why not give this blogging thing a shot. I have always been known as a semi-quiet girl that isn't too outspoken unless I have consumed a couple cocktails or there was that time when I got a brand new pink buggy for X-Mas. I was 3 and could barely contain myself! ( My mom loves that story:D) But, here is my golden opportunity to extract all the things-for lack of a better word-that are bouncing around in my head on a daily basis. This new world of blogging will be my daily vitamin that will hopefully keep my engine charged and wheels turning.... Maybe I can finally go to sleep without my mind racing in ever direction but towards "shut-eye". I guess I better start jotting down all my thoughts before one of them slips away. Until 2morrow :D