Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Everything Turns Turns Turns"

Fall has arrived! Actually, it officially came September 22 at 10:44 AM, (thanks Wiki Answers.com.) Leaves are changing colors and I officially wake up to darkness and a cold breeze...... Surprisingly, I am actually excited about it, and not just because of all the cute clothes and boots out this season. It feels good to bundle up in blankets and sip on some yummy soup! For a while there, I really thought I would go into a mode of depression when summer ended because for some reason I feel like it has basically disappeared from being one of our 4 seasons and winter has replaced it. Global warming my ass! Anyways, another plus to Fall is the fact that for one day, we are given the permission to dress-up like anyone or anything we want, and why do we get to do this... HALLOWEEN of course! Although I am way passed my trick-or-treating years, I am not passed costumes. What other time in your adult world do you get the opportunity to dress up as a naughty nurse, box of crayons, Teenage-Mutin Ninja Turtle, or the ever original pumpkin!?! There is nothing like a good Halloween party with a bunch of punch-drunk characters. Now although I don't return home at the end of the night with a pillowcase of sugar daddy's, bit-o-honey, Resee's, candy corn and popcorn balls, I do get a roll of film with hysterical pictures of old people all dressed to the nine's. At the rate time is passing, I better start my search for the ultimate costume......... oh wait! I might want to find a party to go to first, hmmmmm.

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