Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Little Bit of Me

About Me....I have never ever known what to write when I come across this. Do I include my astrology sign and interests, or do I stick to my relationship status and occupation? Honestly, someone needs to come out with a guide explaining what to include in these bothersome sections. How am I ever supposed to fit the descriptions of all the nuts and bolts that make me, me.

Here is a short and sweet version......

I'll start off by saying that I am a middle child that endured middle child syndrome throughout my entire life--Why me? I have an older sister, Calli, my bff, which I could have never lived through life without. It is truly a love-hate relationship that is completely the BEST. I also have a younger, very adorable, now 20 year old brother, Ben, that I envy as he starts his junior year in college. He is everyone's favorite guy and always makes you smile..... I cherish him entirely:D My mom and dad are truly my angels, role models, confidants and are honestly the best parents in the entire world, and I'm not just saying that cause they're mine. I miss them every day we don't get to spend together and count down the days until I see them next. I love them with all my heart and feel like the luckiest child to have them as mine. I honestly wish every kid could have a family as amazing as The Schrei's (that's us). To sum it up, my family basically rocks!!!!!

Anyways, I recently, as in 1yr and 1/2 ago, got engaged to Chad, the man with the best smile ever! He is my best friend and I love him inside and out. We started planning our wedding, stopped planning, started again and then stopped again, over the last 12 months. Right now, we are just two people in love, hard at work trying to make our relationship the best it can be, living life making unforgettable memories. The wedding will come with time.... Why stress about it now :D Along with getting engaged, I also graduated from the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!), which is probably the best college ever. There, I spent the best 4 1/2 years a girl could ever dream of. I made some amazing friends, laughed till I cried, cried till I laughed, and of course got very educated....

So that brings us to today. I now live in Williamsport, PA, the smallest town in my world that ever existed. I am learning how to deal with the fact that not every place in America has every store at your fingertips, or restaurant. Let's just say, online shopping is a new hobby of mine. As a girl that has always lived outside a major city, (Chicago, Louisville, Lexington, and Philadelphia) this has been extremely difficult to transition into. It's been 2 years and I'm still adjusting. But, on the bright side, I have learned that you can pretty much find anything you could ever need at Wegmans, TJ Max and Lowes.

I am currently in search of a future career that will fill all my voids, if this is possible. Should I teach, should I not teach, should I teach, should I not teach? Will someone just give me an answer!! if you have suggesstions please don't hesitate to share :D

I must, must, MUST add that I do wake up every morning to the cutest, fluffiest, most adorable cockapoo named Cooper. He is my pride and joy and I am completely obsessed. How I lived so long without him, I'm not sure. There will be much more blogging about that gift from heaven.
Well that's enought about me. There will be more to come, I'm sure.

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