Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thought Explosion

Well today I decided to try something new, out of my ordinary, and something that would hopefully keep my happy fuel tank on full. So what better way than to join in on this 21st century blogging explosion. Although I have never been a strong writer, in fact previous English classes have brought many a tear to my eyes, I have always been full of stories, useless information, thoughts, ideas and gossip that I can never seem to get out of my head. I figured, why not give this blogging thing a shot. I have always been known as a semi-quiet girl that isn't too outspoken unless I have consumed a couple cocktails or there was that time when I got a brand new pink buggy for X-Mas. I was 3 and could barely contain myself! ( My mom loves that story:D) But, here is my golden opportunity to extract all the things-for lack of a better word-that are bouncing around in my head on a daily basis. This new world of blogging will be my daily vitamin that will hopefully keep my engine charged and wheels turning.... Maybe I can finally go to sleep without my mind racing in ever direction but towards "shut-eye". I guess I better start jotting down all my thoughts before one of them slips away. Until 2morrow :D

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