Friday, September 26, 2008

21st Century Entertainment

Well, last night began the start of another season of all new shows! Grey's Anatomy had their 2 hour season premier that was filled with blood, tears, hot boys, drama and of course the added "Soap-operaness".... that definitely came from the icicle stabbing the always angry Yang. I was pleasantly surprised with the story line, but two hours was a little much for me. I'm thinking that ABC wanted to give fans their Grey's fix since it won't be on for another two weeks. boo:(. I don't think I can handle these mini vacations the shows take so frequently. Now that the weather is cooling off and the fact that it now gets dark at 7:30, I expect to have some quality tv time. Slackers!

Anyways, I'm super pumped to lay low this rainy day and watch the Sex and the City movie. Probably my all-time fav at this point. There is nothing better than laughing till you cry..... and thanks to SJP, I do just that;D So, for all of you that haven't had the opportunity to watch this masterpiece, I highly highly recommend running to the nearest Target and purchasing it and a bag of Orville Redenbacher. Veg out on the couch and get ready to be entertained:D

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