Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Count Down Begins

What is it about Thursdays? Growing up I always woke up on Thursday mornings as usual, went to school and started my daily tasks. It wasn't until I had to write the date on the top of my paper when I would realize...."IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY!!!" From that moment on, I was usually grinning from ear to ear, setting all my worries and stresses aside because I knew the weekend was near and sleepover nights began in 1 day.

Then, as I entered college, Thursdays became "Thirsty Thursdays." These were the days that all us collegiates would get dolled up and enjoy a night on the town. After a couple cocktails, the work load that had piled up from classes over the week would suddenly be lifted off our aching shoulders. That is until Friday morning arrived.... But, until that time would come, my only concern was livin' up the night and figuring out if I should order cheese sticks late night or stick to the usual Tostitos ans Salsa.

Now, here I sit behind a desk, in the real world :(, looking at my To Do list that continues to grow by the hour, and all I can think about is the fact that it's Thursday. It is truly instant gratification when I realize this magnificent day of the week. My mind immediately fills with ideas of what I should do over the weekend. Should I be productive, should I lay out, should I go shopping, should I be productive..... oh decisions decisions! Now although, I don't have the luxury of rolling out of bed tomorrow and moping into class, or for those lucky ones have no class, I continue to get that excitement that I always got when I knew Thirsty Thursday would begin in only hours. As a more mature adult (wink, wink), I typically can no longer "hang" like I did back in those day. Unless I can fit in all that throw down by 10PM, which is usually not possible. So I have resided in the fact that I will remain estatic, go home tonight, enjoy my Thursday night TV and go to bed with a smile streaming across my face knowing that I will be able to wake up saying those magical letters...T-G-I-F.

So to all my fellow real-worlders, enjoy this glorious Thursday and the many Thursday's that lie ahead... maybe even make a special cocktail tonight for old times sake. A little vino sounds good to me :D. Tomorrow is the start of another fabulous, always too short weekend.

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