Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So I've had this extreme obsession with Oreos over the last week. I'm not sure if it's because they are staring me in the face every time I open the pantry or if it's because they are so mouth watering delicious with a glass a milk right after dinner. I'm thinking it's the latter. It's quite pathetic how I savor every morsel of each Oreo that I shove in my mouth...like I'm never going to have the opportunity to eat these amazing creations again. Although I do try to be healthy, even when I do indulge in a little desert (hence my Hungry Girl obsession), it is oh so good to eat what sets the cookie standards. Who doesn't love to eat the truly good bad stuff!?! Although these were part of Chad's 30th b-day present from my mom (another avid sweet toother), I'm the one stuck here eating them...ALL. I guess I might as well finish them off so I don't have to go through this battle tomorrow...... Such a trooper I am :D Sweet dreams.

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