Thursday, September 4, 2008


"Time goooooes by, so slooooowly." The famous lyrics sung by so many from the movie Ghost... Classic. Although this song has been completely played to death, it still holds much life and meaning to me. Why is it that one day I don't know where the time has gone and on other days, I sit here and can actually here the second-hand ticking away in my head. It's not like I don't have a heaping pile of things to do falling before my face.... so why is it that somehow a brick wall gets built between myself and the world of productivity??? It's like my brain is having a never ending yawn :O. For the most part I get in my 8 hours of shut eye, so I can't be having this energy crisis because I'm tired. It's pretty ironic that when I want the world to stand still, everything is over in what seems like a blink of an eye, and when I want time to fly, the batteries go dead in my clock. This typically occurs on Friday afternoons at work, while I sit behind my desk, as I stare at the computer screen.............

Throughout these Patrick Swayze moments, I am usually reflecting on all that I have experienced and completed in my 24 years, and have a set-in of momentary depression when I realize I am not only beyond the best 4 year of one's life (aka college), but I am past the simplicity of childhood when your only worries were figuring out who would be on your team in "Kick the Can." These are the same moments when I say "OMG Time FLIES!!!) (yes, I used omg). So what I should be doing is cherishing these "pauses" in life and thinking about all the memories I will be making in my years ahead. I'm sure one day I will be longing for a time when I can sit and only hear the tick-tock of the second-hand on the clock.

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