Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day

Happy Hump Day! I can't believe we are already crusin' into the middle of the week! Whew :)

I had a wonderful weekend with the fam, celebrating my sister's b-day and mine. Everyone came up to visit, cockapoos and all, and there were of course many laughs and lot of stories! All our little babies (aka dogs) were able to re-kindle their friendship and run and play till they dropped! It's definitely a comedy show.

It was such a blast to have the whole Schrei clan together just hanging out.... It definitley doesn't happen to often now that we are all growing up, but when it does, we all immediately slip back into where we left off. This weekend was just another testiment to how blessed I am to have such an incredible, loving family. We truly are each other's world and I am thankful for the bond we all share.

We were able to get an update family pic-compliments of Calli :D

So, I'm super excited for the season finale of American Idol.... I have been quite the devoted viewer and haven't missed an episode. The contestants are seriously incredible and the wide range of talent has made this season so much fun to watch. I say that with a little hesitation since I am not a fan of one of the final contestants. I wont drop his name, but when he sings it is equivalent to nails on a chalkboard! I know that is a little harsh but honestly I can NOT bare to hear the sounds that come out of this guy's mouth! I do in fact L*O*V*E, love, love, love Kris Allen. He is absolutely adorable and his voice is Amazing!!! I will definitely be running to the nearest Tar-Get to get his first cd. I'm sure you still can't figure out who I don't like, can you!?!

Well to night we shall see who the winner is! Either way, they will both be on the radio very, very soon. I can't wait:D

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Short and Sweet

One Word and One Very Little Post......


That's what I wanted, that's what I'm getting and I'm Loving Every Second!!!!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

May Birthday Mania

Is it me or do you feel like the month of May should win an award for the having the most birthdays!?! Every year that passes I run into more and more people with a May birthday. Just in my fam there are 3! Myself included....(The Big 2-5 this year baby!). Okay, 3 isn't that many but when there are only 5 of us! Regardless, I feel like our parents generation decided that May was the perfect time to have babies.

This weekend my sister turns 27, which still seems impossible. She is 3 away from 30!!! It just doesn't make sense. And me turning 25.....5 away from 30! Where did all the years go? I'm still trying to accept the fact that the college chapter in my book of life has already come to an end. There are still many days I wish I could step back into time and spend a day in the life of my old life. A day where I wake up at noon, maybe pop a little easy-mac in the mic, watch a little Trading Spaces, think about my class that starts at 2:30 and try to figure out what my night life will consist of. Oh to be so young again! Sigh :D And to think that I truly believed life was stressful then.... two words: REAL-WORLD! I quickly learned fast that I was way wrong.

Getting back to May birthdays... I still need to figure out something special to give my sister. Presents are always a challenge! The older I get the more I seem to put more thought into the gift. Why can't I just run to the store, buy a cute top for her and call it a day!?! She would love it I'm sure. In the back of my mind I just know that I won't be excited during the whole "giving" process. I want her to know that I did put my heart into it and I wanted to give her something special. Tonight I should really set aside some time to figure this one out, especially since her big day is in T-2 days. Ooooooops! What can I say, I'm a busy busy lady. Once I figure her gift out I should just move right on to Big Daddy Joe, who will be turning

(drum roll please *************)

The big 5-3!!! :0 Woah. He is still very young at heart though. :D I hope that makes up for my shear shock-excitement-disbelief I get when I say that number. I'm sure that gift will most like entail a trip to Lowes..... he's a man that loves anything tools. Typical!
Well-I must come to an end on this lovely posting. I will be sure to update you on the gifts that I decide on. Until next time.

(On a side note- I just have to add that this is the 2nd day in a row that I blogged... Woohoo to me!!!)

Friday, May 1, 2009

One Word - - - Ashamed!

Okay, I guess it's time to confess that I have yet again let my blogging fall by the wayside in my not-so crazy life. After reading my previous blog (to get me up to speed with where I left off), I realized I had made a tiny little promise about not going so long before writing another post. Well......... OOOOOOOOOOPS! I did it! I am now like 2 months overdue! I'm ashamed and now stating that this will never happen again. Serious time obviously flies by way too fast!
To be honest, I'm not really sure why I let my newly re-designed blog be so neglected. I LOVE to write about all the nothings of my life and post them into cyberspace. So since it has been an eternity since I have blogged, I should probably do a recap of my life since March! Just as a warning, I know I will probably leave out many memories since I can barely remember what I ate for dinner last night!
-First and Foremost I should definitely scream from the rooftops that my hair is back to normal. What ever was I thinking to attempt to be blonde/red/strawberry!?!? IT*WAS*HORRIBLE! I pray I never do that to myself again.

-I have finally finished decorating my sunroom!!!! Yes... I have become very domesticated since graduating college: cooking, LOTS of cleaing, and of course home decorating. Although I love to "decorate" (hanging pictures, setting out knick knacks and re-arranging furniture), I absolutely 100% completely do NOT like to paint-faux paint-stain-sand, etc, etc, etc. BUT since I can't afford to hire Nate Burkus OR seem to get on HGTV, I am stuck doing it myself. I'm embarassed to say that room was a complete disaster for 2 months. Luckily Calli's bridal shower forced me to get it done. With help from her and about 4 giant tubs of joint compound, I was able to get it done just in time. I decided to do more than just a slap a solid color on the walls and attempt to texture the walls, paint and then add glaze. Well, this 3 GIANT step process took a little longer then expected. It could of been the fact that I had absolutely no motivation or sense of urgency to get it done and completely procrastinated every swipe of the brush. BUT Calli and I finally finished the room and I have to say it looks FABULOUS! Now all I need is that wine buffet from Pottery Barn..... only in my dreams! I will post a pic so you can see the final result!

-As I just mentioned, I had been getting the house in order for Calli's Bridal Shower or Calli's Martini Bridal Shower that I hosted this past weekend. It was a total success! Of course I have to say that I could have never pulled it off if it weren't for my mom, Seth's mom and his amazing sister. I can't believe the work and planning that goes into it! I don't think it could have turned out any better. The house was decorated beautifully, the food was delicious, the polkadot cake was absolutely adorable, the martinis were a total hit and most importantly the people that meant a lot to Calli were able to make it out to celebrate. We made it an all day event and it went into the evening with a little karaoke!!! YES, we rented a profesh karaoke machine. The girls were all glued to the tv, mics in hand singing everything from Lion King to Carrie Underwood to Lauren Hill. I-LOVED-IT! I highly recommend renting one at any event.
See all the fun pics below!

Tell me these are not the cutest favors ever! Little purses with high-heeled shoes around them. It's even a nail file! What girl wouldn't want that!

-I also was able to get back down South to step on the soil that I love! K*E*N*T*U*C*K*Y It was Calli and Seth's couples shower and it just happened to be a Keeneland weekend as well. Doesn't get much better than that! Although I didn't get to see friends, it was absolutely amazing to be back in Kentucky and be around the people that make me happy. We had many laughs, took way too many pictures and enjoyed every single second! One of these days I will be back there! I am on a mission.

I know there is so much more that I am missing but my brain and fingers are spent! I will be sure to add my forgotten memories in the days to come.....hopefully they fill up my HUGE blog gap and make up for my broken promise ;)

So it's time to come to an end on this 60 days overdue blog and mention just one more time that I will be back to blogging tomorrow. Hopefully I will get back into the bloggin groove quickly!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy Busy Bee

So I guess I need to confess that I have not stood by my commitment with blogging very well.... considering the fact that it's been 3 weeks since my last entry! Ooooops! I have had time, if you haven't noticed already, to give my blog a little face lift. I'm diggin the new background I think. At least for right now! It's amazing how much time you can devote to choosing a background and designing a header. Holy Moly I could have done that for days. There are so many designs and ideas to choose from out there in cyberspace! All I have to say is there are some seriously creative people....and many are bloggers. I definitely have to give a little shout out to "" for allowing me to make my blog so cute! They have super fun backgrounds you can upload for free. Who doesn't love that!?! I still need to do some accessorizing, but that will have to come another day. A day that is filled with many hours of free-time! Although, based on my track record, it will be the day that I decide to do the whole thing all over again from top to bottom. Oh well!

Anyways, today is Friday!! WOOHOO! It has been an extreeeeeemely long, hard, strenuous and at the same time enlightening week that needed to end. It feels good to know that I don't have to think about work for 48 hours! My brain and heart need a break:D I am looking forward to hanging out with my parents this weekend in "the Port", and hopefuly relaxing. No plans have been made yet, but thats almost what I need.... an unplanned, carefree, no obligation striken weekend! Halelujia! I do have to get my hair done or fixed for that matter. What ever I did a month ago to the top of my head was a gynormous mistake! Needless to say, I refuse to be in any pictures with this "color" dye I have going on. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon I will regain a little self-confidence. We shall see.

Well I just looked down at my little computer clock and noticed the weekend has begun :D :D :D It's 5 o'clock baby :D Until next time... and promise it wont be another month!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Relieving My Stresses.....hummmm!

So for the past couple weeks, I have been severely stressed out and super duper pessimistic. I'm not sure why this is happening, but it has seriously taken over my days! Every morning I have consistently told myself to make it a good day, remain positive and brush off the bad stuff that may come my way. Unfortunately, I haven't been too good and sticking to my words, in fact I have been terrible. (See, there I go again!) Anyways, I have decided to take my negativity by the reins and start moving it in a more happy direction. So, I thought I would share the list of activities and changes I will be doing to make myself that cheerful, satisfied positive girl that I hope to be.

1. I have continued to stay dedicated to my workout regimen, which is supposed to help relieve stress. This is definitely a temporary relief though.

2. Starting today, I am going to eat right for more than 4 days at a time. For me, this means I am going to have to eliminate all the yummy chocolatey sweets I have throughout the house and attempt to be satisfied with the meals I eat. I read that blood oranges are great for fulfilling that sweet tooth, so I am definitely adding those to my grocery list! Along with many other healthy items :D

3. A couple days ago I ordered a new bible and bible study that should help me re-establish my faith and strengthen my relationship with God. This in itself will guide me to a better path in life. I look forward to having a time of reflection and allowing myself to see the world in a new light!

4. I am making a list of my stresses and worries that keep me from having a smile on my face. SELF magazine says this helps you to stop fretting over them! So here goes:

My worries:
- getting debt free
- always feeling that I didn't choose the right career path
- accepting my new life in Williamsport
- dealing with Cooper's constant barking and running away!
- never being able to get the house finished
- affording all the spring wedding festivities that are to come
- finding a circle of friends
- keeping the house clean and put together

Whew! I already feel better. I guess my list isn't as long as I thought it would be..... that's one good thing :D Well I hope with my new POA, I will get my life back on a happy track and my stresses will slowly fade away. I will definitely track my success along the way :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time Filler

Once again, I'm sitting here at my desk finding pretty much anything to fill my time that has officially stood still. So what better to do than a Facebook quiz. I randomly get these from people, but have yet to fill one out. I'm not sure why I haven't until now, considering I have many gaps of nothingness throughout my day! Well I gave it a go! Enjoy getting to know me and my man a little better.

About Me and My Honey

♥ What are your middle names? Marie and David- god does that sound like an old couple
♥ How long have you been together? 5 years in July---holy moly!! Time flies when you’re having fun!
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? About a year.
♥ Who asked who out? It just happened I guess.
♥ How old are each of you? 24 and the big 30!
♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? He sees his sister every day at work but we hang out with mine more.
♥ Do you have any children together? nope
♥ What about pets? We have the 2 cutest dogs, Coop and Sabre
♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? Not so much.
♥ Who is the smartest? Me without a doubt! I kid I kid… he is smarter with current events and mechanical thing, I’m smarter in everything else :D
♥ Who is the most sensitive? We are both very sensitive in our own ways. I don’t show it as much as he does. This might be a tie. Depends on the day for me.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? Subway for lunch…. For dinner it would probably be Francos. We love eating out!
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? St. Lucia-and I’m ready to go back!
♥ Who has the worst temper? Ooooo another toughy. Him!
♥ Who does the cooking? We both do. He’s great that way :D
♥ Who is more social? He was at one point but I think it just depends on the night I guess. I wish I was more so though.
♥ Who is the neat Freak? Me by a mile. I am the most anal clean freak out there… thanks to my mom. Chad is one of the most disorganized people I know.. I refer to him as a “piler”. He leaves everything in piles all over the house.
♥ Who is the more stubborn? I guess I can be more stubborn. It depends on the time of month for him… ha!
♥ Who hogs the bed? Oh my god he does. For some reason he likes to sleep right smack dab in the middle. If Coop is in bed though, he pretty much has it all!
♥ Who wakes up earlier? I do. I love to have a full day!
♥ Where was your first date? I’m embarrassed to say….. Trout Run. I think that was it. Geez what kind of fiancĂ© am I!?!
♥ Who has the bigger family? Me as far as immediate family goes.
♥ Do you get flowers often? On special holidays. I think I did get flowers just because not too long ago.
♥ Who is more jealous? He is he is he is!
♥ How long did it take to get serious? It happened pretty quickly…we swept each other our feet :D
♥ Who eats more? I used to…. I have an obsession with food. But lately, I think he takes the cake on that one.
♥ Who does the laundry? Typically me… but on rare occasions he will do a load or two.
♥ Who’s better with the computer? I would have to say I am. I am just quick at figuring things out.
♥ Who drives when you are together? He does.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday's Moments

Well last night was another dramatic, emotional, shocking episode of the unrealistic fairytale -Bachelor. The girls and the charming Jason got to travel to the amazing New Zealand for their fantasy dates! Needless to say all 3 accepted the invitation into the fantasy suite....hmmm I wonder what goes on in there! Of course every date, or adventure really, was absolutely breathtaking and so over the top. Eventhough it seemed to be cold and rainy the whole time they were all out there, I don't think there was room for complaining. I mean how could you!?! Who doesn't want to fly across the world to one of the most beautiful locations and sip on champagne, jump off a bridge, take a helicopter ride, and sit around in hot baths staring out onto the land and then follow it up with an incredible dinner (I'm sure) and night in a "fantasy suite" with more hot baths..... umm not me! Okay I am obviously kidding :) Well Mr. Jason seemed to take full advantage off all 3 dates and his 1-on-1 time with the girls...hence the constant makeout sessions and heart to hearts. Seriously Jillian went on and on forever... I wanted to reach into the screen and just say "Give it up! We get it, you like him, or love him, or whatever!" Needless to say, she was sent home without a rose :( Although she was never my fav, I think it was the ear aching accent of hers, I was really shocked that he sent her home. Then again, that show ALWAYS has the apparent blossoming relationships come to a sudden hault.....those sneaky film editors! But, no joke, they seemed to have the most mature, non-fantasy induced relationship. Oh well. At least my fav is still around. Go Melissa! I guess I will have to wait 2 more weeks to see if she takes the gold.... or platinum I would guess. Oh the drama :D

So on to a completely different topic. Yesterday I took another 10 steps backward with Coopadoops obedience, or rather disobedience. He officially made another neighbor not like us, due to his daily-uninvited visits to their house to "play" with their new puppies. It's not my fault he falls in to a trans where he wont listen to anyone around him when he steps off our yard! He actually said that Coop was "too big" for his little dogs to be playing with. WHAT!?! My precious little man that is only a mere 28lbs (but in my eyes about 10), and not too mention, the cutest puppy ever! Whatever..... I was nice, apologized and have officially decided that I now have to take Coop outside on a leash, ever single time. Damn nation! Maybe he'll learn.... oh who am I kidding, no he wont. I think we are just going to have to re-locate to solve this dilemma. Preferrably to a place with lots of land and zero neighbors.

Okay, enough babbling... it's time to get back to work. Coffee's cold and must re-heat!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Another week has come and almost gone! I'm getting anxious and very excited for this weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's such a sweet, relaxing and pressure-free holiday that recognizes all the True Love that exists in the world. Although, many refer to it as a "Hallmark" holiday, I see it different! What girl doesn't love to get a bouquet of beautiful flowers and yummy chocolates.... preferrably Godiva chocolate covered strawberries.

I have so many amazing memories of my past V-Days with Chaddy. Skiing in the Poconos, relaxing in Jamaica, and being swept away to a room lined with candles and overflowing with rose petals. I don't think you can get much better than that! My fiance has always been quite the charmer and never fails to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I love him so much for that :)

So, I wish everyone a Happy Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy a day filled with lots of love!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Unsolved Mystery Solved

It all started a little while back......Cooper's fear began with hats, which turned into men, which now turned into everyone. For some reason my sweet little Coopadoop is absolutey terrified of new people and when they come around, he will not stop barking. Its this awful trait that he picked up somewhere along the way and I can't seem to break it! My little precious is not showing others his good side whatsoever, and frankly it's driving me nuts. So, the other day I decided to start Googling how to teach a dog not to be so stinkin scared of strangers. ( yes these keywords exactly.) After some deep reading on tips, obedience rules, and the do's and don'ts of dog training, I feel somewhat more confident that I might be able to break this god awful habit of his. Unfortunately, all the sites stated that it was probably one of the toughest habits to break..... wonderful :) I'm still going to give it my all and I have full determination to rid him of this obnoxiousness. If anyone has connection with the Dog Whisperer....wink wink, please let me know!

Anyways, I decided to continue my "dog issues" searching and try to find a cure for my other dog, Sabre. The last couple years have been quite a tough road for her. She got ran over by a car, had a rare blood disorder, and gained an obsene amount of weight. I have been so confused by her health since I really monitor everything she eats. Poor thing doesn't even get treats :( If any of your are familiar with Golden Retrievers, you probably know that they are one of the most loving breeds but they tend to come with a huge price tag, since they are prone to having an endless amount of health issues. Sabre has probably had everything at least once! So after a few clicks on the web, I came across this disease that is really common in this breed, hypothyroidism. Every symptom was her to a "T". After a trip to the vets and a T-4 blood test, Sabre was indeed diagnosed with this life-threatening disease. I officially should be given a new title, perhaps MD, after this miraculous diagnosis I made on my little (BIG) golden retriever. Doc says that in 30 days, she should be like a new dog! I am so so so excited and relieved that she will get her life back. Summertime walks are in the future! So if anyone out there is wondering why your dog is the way he or she is...... just start googling and do your homework. I'm sure thankful I did! Hopefully that will be the last of the dog illness/disobedience blogging for a while! I'll keep you posted on Coop's progress.... but it might be a while :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A little bit of this and that.

So lately I have been completely oblivious to the world around me..... apparently I was a week early with what I thought was my hair appointment. Ooops! This is now the second time in a row that this has happened. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to get my mini makeover... AHHH! Sometimes I wonder what goes through, or better yet, doesn't go through my head. I have officially decided that I need to carry around a pocket calendar! There are too many dates that I need to remember for this upcoming year, and based on my recent track record, I should definitely be required to have some sort of easily accessible calendar book.

Anyways, today is another cold, snowy day mixed with freezing rain and ice. You gotta love winter in PA! It's days like today that I just want to snuggle up in a big blanket and watch a movie and eat some kettle corn. mmmmmm :D I guess that will have to wait until the weekend! I have plenty more freezing cold days this winter to do that. What I should be doing is attempting to be productive at work...... yeah, No! I've been here for an hour and a half and already I am looking for non-work related things to occupy my time. Hence my blogging! Don't get me wrong, I would like to think of myself as a hard worker.... just not every hour of the work day! If there was a thing as ADD of office work, I would definitely be diagnosed.

Enough about work..... so I have been wanting to talk about my new workout regimen that I started and actually really, really like. I went ahead and bought 2 DVDs by Tracy Anderson, who is the trainer for Gwenyth Paltrow and Madonna. Usually I don't mention Madonna's name when I am talking about the workouts since no girl wants to look like a she-man... But anyway, she takes a completely different approach to working out your muscles. It is ballet mixed with aerobics mixed with re-vamped traditional exercises. There is a mat dvd and a cardio dance dvd. Each one is so unique and fun that I actually enjoy doing them! Another plus is the music she chose is relaxing and has the perfect beat for each workout. It is not a typical workout dvd where the instructor constantly talks and encourages you each step of the way, she just does the moves and you follow. It is exactly what I needed! They are both as challenging as you make them..... especially the dance cardio. Learning dance combinations and moves can be difficult, but it is the best cardio session I've had in a while. Hopefully in a few weeks I will get the long, lean, dancer toned body she promises. Regardless, it is just a really fun way to work out. I will keep you posted on my progress...... maybe I should reconsider keeping the bag of Laffy Taffy's in my office drawer. hmmmm.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Me.. I hope!

Well today I am finally going in to get my hair done. I think I was itching to get it done almost 4 weeks ago.... so I am super pumped to have my mini makeover. The problem is, I once again have no idea what color or colors I should choose. I usually try to take risks when I go to the hairdressers, which is why my hair has been every color of the rainbow. Platinum blonde, red, brown, black, and yes purple. Unfortunately when I look back at photos of myself during these colorful hair stages, I immediately ask myself "What in the world was I thinking!?!". So since graduating college I have been pretty consistent with my color choices as I have stuck to the ever original medium brown. Well now I am sick and tired of this boring consistency and I am ready for something new and fresh. I was thinking warm-golden brown...... HAH! Doesn't sound like much of a change, but what I envision sure does. Now my only problem is figuring out how I am going to take that picture I have created in my head and put it into words. So what one place with all the answers did I turn to????? GOOGLE of course! After about 15 minutes of searching, I came across this picture of Jessica Simpson that I think is a good example of what I am wanting. Now if only I had big white teeth and huge boobs...... wait, I'm getting off topic, that's for another time:D Anyways, I will bring this in to my hairdresser and hopefully she will work her magic and I will leave a very happy client. I will make sure to post a before and after...if it turns out that is! If all else fails and this appointment turns out to be a disaster, I am booking a trip to New York so I can finally fufill my dream of getting pampered and made over by a stylist of the stars. Let's just hope this works out and I can save myself much needed money. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a while.

Well an entire season has passed since I've blogged my thoughts, feelings, and uneventful events! I'm not sure why I let my little online diary get away from me. But now I'm back and ready to get typing!

So it's officially the coldest day of this season so far.... I took one step outside and my whole body went numb! I'm pretty sure the temperature read minus freezing degrees. It's days like today that make me want to move way down south where the peeps are cruising around in their comfortably warm weather. Spring could not come any sooner in my book. Since moving is not in my near future whatsoever, I guess I will just have to suck it up and wear lots of layers and drink lots of tea:)

Anyways, I wish I could fill the big empty blog gap I created, but unfortunately not much has happened in my world. I did start a new job, which was a giant step in the right direction on my life path. It's been quite the whirlwind of emotions.... exciting, interesting, frustrating, confusing... but all in all it was probably one of the best decisions I have made in the last couple years. It has given me a sense of Independence and accomplishment; two feelings everyone in the adult world should try to obtain.
2009 has also arrived! It is so crazy to think that 2 years have already come and gone since I graduated college. The older you get, the quicker time definitely flies. It gets me thinking about making a bigger effort in truly cherishing every moment I experience. It's so easy to get caught up in daily activities (aka work) and not really enjoy life to the fullest. I think my New Years resolution--no I have not made one yet---should be that I open my eyes to all the amazing things I get to experience and do throughout the week. I know it is much easier said than done, but I'm going to make a promise to myself to be aware of how blessed I really am.
Until next time!